The Feather Speech
A national campaign for cavity nesting birds

The Feather Speech campaign for swifts
Supported by the RSPB and Rewriting Extinction, on 5th November 2022, I launched The Feather Speech, a national campaign for swifts. At the core of this 6 month campaign, was a petition asking for swift bricks to be made compulsory across new housing in Britain. This measure would help not just swifts, but three other red-listed birds: House sparrows, House martins and starlings. Development is causing biodiversity loss, and these birds are on the red list because of us, yet they are not included in the BNG. The petition reached 110,000 signatures and has cross party political support, championed by Zac Goldsmith who is committed to securing a national policy for swift bricks in new builds.

My writing is focused on celebrating the natural world through the power of wonder, capturing individual moments, creatures and landscapes.
I am pleased to announce that my book NATURE NEEDS YOU – The Fight To Save Our Swifts is out on 1st May, 2025, published by Elliott & Thompson.
My debut nature memoir was published by Aurum, The Quarto Group, on 5th April 2022.
“Heart-rending and heart-mending, Fledgling kindles a fierce fire and sense of protection for the wild. Equally stirring and inspiring in its stories of loss and hope, it places connections with the more-than-human-world at the very heart of home”
Julian Hoffman

Blog & Articles
Thrilled to see the finch from FLEDGLING making it onto the front page of an international newspaper.
Before I moved to Africa I had never heard of a Bronze-winged mannikin finch. Now he is an ambassador for his species.
I wrote FLEDGLING to tell our story for him and for his kind in the hope people will notice the birds that surround us all.
Click for the latest news on my books and adventures…

Curious glimpses of the wild that I come across, showcased here in video form